It’s been shown that there are 3 simple things you can do to train your brain to be able to become more positive. Can you believe that in as little as 2 minutes of the following bullet points done 21 days in a row; that you can actually rewire your brain, letting your brain work positively and more successfully.
- Look for three new things each day to be grateful for and appreciate. And at the end of 3 weeks, your brain starts to scan the world for; not the negative, but for the positive first.
- If you write or think about one positive experience you’ve had over the past 24 hours it allows your brain to relive it. This exercise teaches your brain that your behavior matters. It’s been found that meditating on it allows your brain to get to a sort of balance, so taking deep breaths and counting backwards from 20 and continuously think about this experience.
- Finally doing a conscious random act of kindness. Write or say one positive thing praising or thanking somebody in your social support network.
These simple 3 things can create ripples of positivity, and bring you a momentum of happiness in your life.