High Performance Coaching™
What if you could be a high performer in every area of life that’s important to you?
There is a path to higher levels of passion, performance, and success in life. To get there, it takes greater levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity and influence. As a Certified High Performance Coach™, my job is to coach you into your highest self .
Everyone wants more of the good things that life has to offer, right? Well, to get more, you need to activate your full potential. You need an advanced skill set, to step up and become a higher performer.
If you are ready for High Performance in your life and you feel Certified High Performance Coaching™ might be right for you, then I invite you to apply for my High Performance Coaching Program.
Isn’t there more to life than this?
That saying “what you focus on grows” it so true. I was successful by all the standard criteria, but I neglected the things that really fueled me—my family, a good laugh, getting enough rest (highly underrated in today’s world) and lots of time for myself. Running at this frantic pace left me feeling drained and dissatisfied.
You’re at the core of your success—in business and life
Just before I completely exhausted myself, I met a mentor who taught me how to grow in five key areas and take control of my life (my WHOLE life, not just the professional side). I propelled myself to the next level by working on myself.
What I learned was so powerful that I decided to get certified in the methodology so I could pass on those strategies, techniques, and tools to others.
Because these strategies are absolute gold whether you’re an entrepreneur where your business depends on you or you’re a houswife who wants more out of life
High Performance Coaching is a process driven model that initially gives participants the experience of improving habits and routines relating to Clarity, Energy, Courage, Influence and Productivity. It then initiates a process that will help you to identify small adjustments and changes to your habits and routines that will lead to mastering productivity, persuasion, psychology, physiology, presence and purpose.
It is not about telling you how you should manage your life, it is a process that helps you identify practices and routines that will cause a positive shift in how consistently you move towards achieving your life’s work. In other words the things that are really important to you not just the things that keep you busy on a day to day basis.
Much of what you will learn you will hear yourself saying “that’s just common sense”. Unfortunately for many of us what is common sense is not common practice. High Performance Coaching will make the common sense common practice.
Are you following your dreams?
Are you true to yourself?
Are you setting a great example for the people you lead and the people you love?
Are you making a difference?
Inner work for lasting outer results.
Timeless strategies & techniques that’ll serve you for life.
The 12-Week High Performance Curriculum:
Week 1: Discover your focal points
Identify areas to focus on and learn how to replace bad habits with supportive ones.
You’ll learn where you are in a few key areas: what you’re focused on, what level of control you feel, and what habits are already supporting you—or pulling you away from being your best. Knowing this will give you a clear indication on what to work on without the overwhelm.
Week 2: Get crystal clear
Develop a new level of clarity and work with the “Clarity Chart” to live your truth every day.
You’ll learn where you have strengths and gaps in your awareness and self-knowledge. Especially when it comes to who you are, how you treat others, and what life principles and practices keep you progressing and performing at your highest level. Clarity is the #1 marker when it comes to your success.
Week 3: Boost your energy levels
High performers have a heightened level of energy. They generate that energy through training discipline and focus. They eat better foods, they get more sleep and they exercise on a regular basis.
You can literally feel energy radiating through their presence because of their choices of nutrition and conditioning. They have the ability to focus all of their energy on the task at hand.
Identify energy-zapping stressors in your life and apply some of the 15+ ways to skyrocket your energy instantly (and no, it doesn’t include a double espresso).You’ll learn how much energy you have each day and how to amplify it to a higher level so that you have the vibrancy and stamina to achieve your professional goals and live a fully charged life.
Week 4: Increase your confidence
Equip yourself with tools to transform fear into courage so you can speak your mind from your heart.
You’ll learn how to be more confident and courageous in situations where you might have been holding back, and the importance of acting courageously when facing challenges and chasing your dreams. Getting out of your own way is a sure-fire way to progress where it matters most.
Week 5: Be more effective
High performers simply get more done in the same time as everybody else. They get into experiences more deeply because they have greater clarity, stronger sense of purpose and more
Their heightened clarity gives them greater focus, stronger sense of purpose and they don’t get distracted. Say goodbye to distractions and focus on your priorities by working with the “1-Page Productivity Planner”.
You’ll learn how to thrive with tools and concepts that help you quickly and easily improve when it comes to getting the right things done in no time—so that you can perform at the next level without the stress you’ve become way too familiar with.
Week 6: Become more influential
Expand your influence by applying the “Influence Model,” which teaches you the three secrets of the most influential people of our time.
You’ll learn how to become more influential in business and in your relationships. Learn tools and concepts that will raise your level of action and influence instantly—so you’ll be seen as the role-model you truly are.
Week 7: Develop a strong success mindset
Your identity, mindset, beliefs, behaviors, habits and self-talk.
Breakthrough the vicious cycle of limiting beliefs so you can strengthen and leverage your mind to achieve your unique vision.
You’ll learn which beliefs and negative thoughts run your behaviors and how you can master your psychology at a completely new level by applying even just a few, simple concepts. Using the power of your mind will strengthen who you really are and how you show up in the world.
Week 8: Let your energy soar
Those necessary things you may have been neglecting lately, like eating well, sleeping, hydrating, relaxing and exercising.
Revisit your daily energy routine and sprinkle additional techniques into your toolkit to lift your energy levels even further.
You’ll learn additional tools to activate your physiology in a way that makes you feel stronger and more vibrant. This is about amplifying your energy and reconnecting your body and mind so that your feel clear-headed, inspired and motivated to push through challenges on your journey towards what you want.
Week 9: Focus on what makes a real difference
Shifting your focus to activities that have a high impact instead of getting sucked into busy work.
Cut out distractions and complete the “Success Indicator Assessment” to know exactly what areas to improve to boost your likelihood of success.
You’ll learn how to master your productivity even more and the ten factors that are key to succeeding in a project or goal. Understanding this helps you direct your focus on where you can make the biggest impact in less time.
Week 10: Master your persuasion
Mastering the influence you have on others, making the most of it in an ethical way, and understanding how others influence you.
Work with the “Persuasion Formula” to deepen and expand your positive influence on others.
You’ll learn how to increase your effectiveness when it comes to persuading others to change. Having the ability to acknowledge others, stoke their ambition and sprinkle in emotions will make you a master in writing marketing material, having sales conversations and handling requests from your clients.
Week 11: Live and lead with purpose
Living and leading with your soul; being intentional and present so you can ditch the guilt of what you could or “should” be doing.
Define your purpose and move through your day in alignment with your true north.
You’ll learn that you have different purposes in different areas at different times in your life and the importance of living each day with meaning and intention. Having crafted your singular statement, you can be sure that others will be inspired by you too.
Week 12: Deepen your understanding
Check in on your performance levels and identify sweet spots and areas that require further focus. Refine and keep moving forward.
You’ll learn that high performance is a journey, and that lifelong commitment and mastery are crucial for staying ahead of the game and continuing to build a business and life you love. Reviewing your growth and uncovering gaps will provide you with the self-knowledge to advance further.
Certified High Performance Coaching!
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